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Hydrogeological Investigations

Lakeshore Environmental Implements Seasonal High-Water Table

By Hydrogeological Investigations, Projects

June 13

The seasonal high-water table (SHWT) can be a critical component when designing developments at properties where the groundwater (water table) is close to the surface. Understanding the SHWT is necessary for constructing roadways and establishing base elevations for structures. Lakeshore Environmental can support residential development projects by determining the SHWT by analyzing the soil profile onsite for soil color, hardness, and other soil characteristics.

Dust Particulate Concentration & Noise Level Study

By Hydrogeological Investigations, Projects

June 7

Many townships are concerned about potential increased dust particulates and noise caused by sand and gravel mining projects. Lakeshore Environmental can conduct a Dust Particulate Concentration & Noise Level study to address these concerns. For example, Lakeshore Environmental tested upwind and downwind air particulates at a sand and gravel mine in West Michigan and found that the mine was producing no discernable dust. Noise levels near the property boundary were also comparable to noise levels caused by standard traffic.

Predicting Lake Creation Impact

By Hydrogeological Investigations, Projects

April 1

A Lake creation project requires a permit under Part 301 of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, which will necessitate a Hydrogeological Investigation. Lakeshore Environmental has completed numerous Hydrogeological Investigations, including an extensive Hydrogeological Investigation for a site located in Allegan County, depicted in the below photos, to predict the lake creation impact on groundwater resources. Due to the complexity of the site and the proximity of nearby sensitive receptors, a groundwater model was required to obtain a permit. Lakeshore Environmental’s team of expert hydrogeologists and environmental engineers are certified in MODFLOW Classic and MODFLOW Flex, software utilized for that purpose.