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Complex Wetland Determinations and Delineations

By July 17, 2023July 24th, 2024Projects, Wetlands

July 2023

Wetland science isn’t always straightforward, as proven by a recent wetland delineation on farmland slated for development. LEI’s team of Wetland Scientists completed a delineation on the drained farmland in order to keep the project on schedule. The Site, which appeared straightforward upon preliminary review, had been farmed for generations.

In a few drained and isolated portions of the Site, wetland indicators for hydrology and hydric soil were met while the predominance of upland plants made these areas appear as upland. Through use of Chapter 5 of the USACE NCNE Regional Supplement, LEI determined that the problematic hydrophytic criteria had been met and this portion of the Site was in fact wetland.

That said, through interpretation of Part 303 exemptions and surface water connectivity, LEI was able to work with the Michigan Department of Great Lakes and Energy to come to a resolution in order to keep the planned project moving forward.