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Industrial Compliance Projects in Louisiana, Texas, Illinois & Montana

By Homepage Featured, Projects

LEI assisted an roofing granular and abrasives manufacturer with industrial compliance related tasks at the client’s locations in Louisiana, Texas, Illinois, and Montana. Specifically, LEI assisted the client with storm water management and spill prevention and controls, to include the development of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans and Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Plans. A template was developed that allowed LEI to implement the Plans across the client’s multiple facilities, allowing each facility to have similar compliance plans for streamlined implementation and use. LEI’s knowledgeable staff were able to work with each state’s specific requirements, ensuring overall compliance with local, state, and federal environmental regulations.


Grand Haven Party Store – A Brownfield Success Story

By Brownfields, Environmental Incentives, Homepage Featured, Projects

An abandoned brownfield property, located along the busy Beechtree Street corridor in Grand Haven, has been revitalized into a new party store and fueling station. This is a major victory for the community as this parcel had been idle for several years and was on the verge of foreclosure.

LEI assisted a new owner with the acquisition and redevelopment of the site by overseeing the removal of four 10,000-gallon underground storage tanks; completing Phase I & II ESAs; preparing a BEA, Documentation of Due Care Compliance report, and Act 381 Combined Brownfield and Work Plan; and supervising the removal of contaminated soil and implementation of a vapor intrusion mitigation system.  To help offset the environmental costs associated with this project, LEI obtained USEPA Brownfield Assessment Grant funds from Ottawa County’s Brownfield Redevelopment Authority and developed a tax increment financing plan that was approved by the City of Grand Haven and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.

Grand Haven Brownfield Redevelopment Project Taking Shape

By Brownfields, Homepage Featured, Projects

Redevelopment Project

LEI partnered with the City of Grand Haven to obtain DEQ grant and loan funds that would assist with the redevelopment.  Grant and loan funds were necessary to address the Brownfield conditions on the Site, primarily involving lead-paint and asbestos abatement, interior demolition activities, and the development of a vapor intrusion mitigation system.

LEI retained for Brownfield redevelopment work at two Grand Haven properties

By Brownfields, Environmental Incentives, Projects


Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. (LEI) will be involved in two Brownfield redevelopment projects on the east end of Grand Haven.  These projects consist of repurposing a 1903 two-story industrial building into new professional office space and constructing a new fueling station and convenience store at an abandoned gas station.  LEI prepared Act 381 Combined Brownfield and Work Plans that were approved by the City of Grand Haven and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, enabling capture of new tax increment revenues for a period of time to pay for eligible environmental activities.  In addition to the tax capture approvals, LEI secured a $150,000 grant and $180,000 loan from the MDEQ for eligible activities at the proposed professional office building redevelopment.

Eligible environmental activities will include, but are not limited to, the following: installation of vapor intrusion mitigations systems, contaminated soil disposal, lead abatement as a response activity, and demolition.

LEI assists with Wetland Restoration Project

By Natural Resources, Projects

LEI was retained by the City of Grand Haven to develop an alternative wetland mitigation plan that would be used to facilitate the construction of wetland on Harbor Island.  The alternative wetland mitigation plan prepared by LEI was approximately $200,000 less than original plans prepared by another consulting firm.

In addition to the development aspects of the project, LEI was also contracted to obtain regulatory approval of the wetland mitigation plan and construct the wetland.

Brownfield Redevelopment Completed in Grand Haven

By Brownfields, Homepage Featured, Projects

Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. (LEI) was retained by a local business (GLASSource) to provide environmental services necessary for the successful restoration and redevelopment of a former machine shop located in Grand Haven, Michigan.  The former machine shop was compromised with unusable building space and adverse environmental conditions.  LEI utilized its Brownfield expertise to: assist the developer with demolition activities and complete complex Baseline Environmental Assessment, Due Care, and Response Activities for approval by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and U.S. Small Business Administration.  The project resulted in the restoration and refurbishment of approximately 70,000 plus square feet of existing building space, construction of nearly 20,000 square feet of new office and industrial space, creation of new jobs, increased tax base for the City of Grand Haven, and significantly improved aesthetic and environmental conditions.  The repurposed building now serves as the main headquarters and production facility for GLASSource, a specialty glass and mirror manufacturer.

City of Muskegon Heights retains LEI for Brownfield Redevelopment Grant Project

By Brownfields, Projects

LEI has been retained by the City of Muskegon Heights to manage a $100,000 Brownfield Redevelopment Grant issued by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.  The grant funds will be used for Baseline Environmental Assessment activities, due care investigation, and response activities related to the redevelopment of a former crane manufacturing property.  Redevelopment of the property will involve the construction of a new industrial facility, resulting in the creation of new jobs, a significant increase to the City’s tax base, and improved aesthetic and environmental conditions.


Revitalizing A Former Industrial Property

By Brownfields, Homepage Featured, Projects

Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. (LEI) has been retained by a growing local industrial company to assist with the Brownfield redevelopment of vacant industrial land located in Muskegon County, Michigan.  With a history of over 100 years of heavy industrial activity, the environmental integrity of this property has been compromised, requiring the need for significant Brownfield redevelopment incentives to facilitate the project.  LEI has been tasked with procuring Brownfield redevelopment funds to assist with comprehensive assessment of the property and response activities to ensure safe redevelopment.



Former Service Station Converted to Restaurant

By Brownfields, Projects

Lakeshore Environmental, Inc. (LEI) was retained by a local developer to assist with the redevelopment of a brownfield site, which formerly operated as a service station in Muskegon County.  Environmental services completed by LEI to facilitate the safe redevelopment of the site included removal of underground storage tanks; completion of a Phase I ESA and Phase II ESA; and preparation of a BEA and Due Care Plan.


Village of Ravenna hires LEI for Brownfield Redevelopment Services

By Brownfields, Projects, Uncategorized

LEI assisted the Village of Ravenna (Village) with the creation of a Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (BRA) in early 2013.  Creation of the BRA enabled the Village to pursue Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Brownfield Redevelopment Grant and Loan funding to assist with the conversion of a contaminated former automotive dealership to a commercial retail store.  LEI assisted the Village with obtaining $149,250 in MDEQ Brownfield Redevelopment Grant and Loan funds for completion of Baseline Environmental Assessment activities; asbestos, lead-paint, and ballast surveys; contaminated soil removal; a Due Care Plan; and wetland cleanup of tires and automotive parts.

In addition, LEI prepared a Brownfield Plan and Act 381 Work Plan to facilitate tax capture of new local and state tax increments generated from the redevelopment project for a short period of time.  The tax capture will be utilized to pay back the MDEQ Loan funds, reimburse the developer for approved eligible environmental costs previously incurred, and create a local site remediation revolving fund.

Blight Elimination Grant funding through the Michigan Land Bank was also obtained by the Village and was utilized to offset demolition costs relative to the redevelopment.

The redevelopment project commenced in April 2013 and is expected to be completed by early July 2013.


803 Verhoeks Street
Grand Haven, MI 49417

Muskegon Office

2341 Lakeshore Drive
Muskegon, MI 49440

Vestaburg Office

10335 E. McBride Road
Vestaburg, MI 48891

LOCAL: 616.844.5050 TOLL FREE: 800.844.5050 FAX: 616.844.5053

© 2025 Lakeshore Environmental, Inc.